Musings + New Sunday Currently

Hello there! This is another attempt to keep this space alive. /YEY/ I’ve been wallowing about how inconsistent I am in keeping this blog active and my mind has been nothing but a pool of wandering thoughts about almost everything in life. This year, one of the things I’m putting into my faith goals is to bring life and light to this little hideout. It’s also my way of reconnecting to the people that are no longer beyond my reach.
Ang hirap pala magreconnect guys.

I failed to document and write about a lot of things last year. I feel like my thoughts are floating somewhere in between those important moments.

Anyway, a week had already passed. Thank you, Lord.

Here’s a new version of The Sunday Currently.

MAKING: the list of my faith goals for t w e n t y n i n e t e e n
DRINKING: water water water water water
READING: and re-reading my letter of intent
WANTING: to declutter
LOOKING: for gig venues around Makati
PLAYING: i am not a very playful person /?/
WASTING: my time doing things that are less important
WISHING: a happy birthday to Faustino!!
ENJOYING: my new planner – the daykeeper
WAITING: for the next step for the next big thing
LIKING: Munimuni + Amra
WONDERING: if I’d be able to leave
LOVING: the plans I have for this year

HOPING: that we would be able to be more courageous of the things we are most afraid of
MARVELLING: at the wonder of His grace
NEEDING: to feel more confident
SMELLING: the alcohol
WEARING: a stripe shirt
NOTICING: that there’s a lot of toxic places nowadays
KNOWING: that we’ll create a better world one day at a time
THINKING: of the next generation
FEELING: uneasy but excited
OPENING: doors I once closed
WATCHING: House MD and Agents of Shield
FEELING: constipated

Original list by Meet Me At Mikes.

Will do a life update and 2018 reflections on the next post!

Hallelujah for progress +